Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Sunshine by abstracts | Review

Series: -

Published: April 22nd, 2015 by Wattpad

Pages: Unknown

Date Finished: September 1st, 2015

Rating: 5/5 stars

Age Recommendation: -

Sunshine by abstracts was a wonderful short story. I wasn't expecting much at all going into it but as soon as I dived in, it turned out to be amazing. It was light, fluffy and adorable with all the right points of seriousness thrown in.

It follows the story of Rain and his ex-best friend Sunny as Rain writes unsent letters to her about how she hurt him by just leaving their friendship without a warning. Rain just thinks Sunny left because she wanted to be friends with the popular kids at school and she thought Rain was too lame for her, but it turns out there is a much deeper plot and the reason for Sunny leaving the friendship is not the reason Rain thought of at all.

In the beginning, I really disliked Sunny because I didn't know her true intentions and I felt horrible for Rain but after finding out why Sunny did what she did, I understood her a lot better.

I loved the cute things Rain would say and how deeply in love he was with Sunny even though he doesn't know it.

This short story was amazing and I'd definitely recommend it.

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